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Through My Eye

Journey Through My Eye

Many of my family and friends know that I was recently diagnosed with a Macular Hole (yes, that is the official medical term for it) in my right eye. I went to the eye doctor because I was seeing spots and floaters in front of my eyes; and it was increasingly difficult to put my eyeliner on. Before this, I had never heard of "macular hole" but as I talk to family and friends it's not as uncommon as I thought. 

One day you’re doing fine and in an instant your life is dramatically changed. I know that God’s plans for me are good even though, at the moment, they didn’t feel good.  HE is at work.

It was discovered by my eye doctor, who referred me to a Retina Specialist in my local area. After doing some research and my husband also searching the net, we decided to go to a provider outside the area.  I met with a specialist at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Palm Beach Gardens and they then recommended I see their top Retina Specialist at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami – who is considered the best in the field. The diagnosis was confirmed and surgery was recommended sooner rather than putting it off.

Macular Hole Right Eye

There is no known cause for macular hole and nothing I could have done to prevent it - I'm just one of those lucky people it happens to. God is in control and He always has a plan and my life is in the best hands - His!!! We know that all things will work according to the purpose and plan He has established. We are thankful for His grace and mercy.

Knowing that the only effective treatment is surgery – it was schedule for April 20, 2017, in Miami.  I don't mind the surgery but the recovery is about 2 weeks and another 2 months before my vision will be back to almost normal. I'm told it will never be completely restored and my chances rapidly increase of developing a cataract in that eye which will require another surgery. Also, no plane rides or general anesthesia for the next 2 months - may cause blindness. In case I forget, I have this nice bracelet to remind me. 

So, during the recovery I have be facedown for most of the 24 hours of the day. The surgery all things considered was a breeze. Have you ever tried being in a facedown position or looking down constantly? Well, let me just say – it is not easy; it’s a pain in the neck, literally. My back never ached so much. There are medical devices you can rent to help but after a few days – you just get tired of looking at the floor and at your feet. It becomes harder and harder to find a comfortable  position.

I’d like to send a shout-out and thanks to all my family and friends for their unending prayers and words of encouragement; daily phone calls and IM/text messages. The wonderful friends, who supplied us with delicious food, who came and sat with me to brighten my days. A special thanks to the CCM Production Ministry staff and volunteers for the Meal Train!!!

My husband has been so wonderful throughout this whole experience, he has not left my side. He’s been with me every step of the way. We are praying for complete healing, we serve a BIG God, who still works miracles, who can do great and mighty works. This is just a test and I’m praying that God will use this for His glory.

We never know how or when God is going to use us, we just have to be ready. Faith is an action word, requiring us to act so He can act. How we respond to life’s challenges has a tremendous impact on those around us because we don’t always know who’s watching – but be sure, someone always is.

Be Blessed!

Macular Hole Info link


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