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After three days of prayer and fasting, Esther went to King Ahasuerus who welcomed her with his gold scepter. The King offered Esther half of his kingdom without her even asking, no need for Prenuptials back then LOL *Touch somebody and say FAVOR*.

Esther invited the King to her banquet and requested for Haman to be present, so the King sent for Haman who was excited about the Queen’s invitation. At the banquet, King Ahasuerus insisted in knowing what Esther’s request was, she said that she would tell Him at dinner the following day with Haman as a special guest. Haman was still in high spirits about the banquet, but on the way to boast to his wife and friends he saw Mordecai wailing at the King’s gates and Mordecai still refused to bow down to Him. This upset Haman, so His wife and friends suggested that Mordecai be hanged on a 75ft high gallows!


Esther was still favored. Look at how the King was ready to give her half of his kingdom and she didn’t have to say anything (Chapter 5 verse 3)!

She spoke with respect to a man who deserved very little respect. “If it pleases the king,” replied Esther (verse 4).

Esther was tactful; she did not rush things. Esther could have made her request there and then, but I guess she didn’t want to rush. She was perceptive and probably wanted to gauge the attitudes of both men before presenting her request. Oftentimes, we rush into things but there is no harm in taking one’s time!

On a practical note, we can learn from the fact that Esther organized a banquet. We’ve all heard of the famous saying that goes, ‘food is the way to a man’s heart’. Esther shows us that some serious hearty discussions are best had over a nice meal!


Zeresh is an example of the Proverbs 12:4 wife. To everyone reading this, our aim should be to add glory to our families, friends, colleagues, peers and respective husbands/wives (for those who want to get married), let us be wise and pure in heart. Do not condone or encourage evil, instead, always promote good and speak words of life!

What are your thoughts? Share them. 

Have an awesome weekend!!!



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