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The Plot Revealed

Weekly Reading

Week 7 – Chapter 7

Chapter Summary - Esther Reveals Haman's Plot.

Chapter 7 recounts the events of the second banquet that Esther had requested, where she would make known what she wanted from the king. She revealed the plot to destroy her and her people, then dramatically named the mastermind: “This wicked Haman!” (verse 6).

The king was so shocked and incensed by this turn of events that he had to leave the room to calm down. But when he returned, he saw “Haman had fallen across the couch where Esther was,” pleading with her to spare his life (verses 7-8). The king accused Haman of trying to assault his wife, the queen, and he ordered Haman to be hanged on the very gallows that Haman had built to kill Mordecai (verse 10).


                 ...HANGED ON HIS OWN GALLOWS

v  Chance and circumstance are fully within God’s providence
v  Reversal and irony are evidence of God’s hand in a book where He is never mentioned by name
v  God can deliver his people even if he chooses to work behind the scenes
v  God’s means of deliverance are never exhausted
v  God’s plans cannot be thwarted

Going Deeper          Psalm 91:2-3, Revelation 20:11-15

Why do you think Esther added the disclaimer that if they were only being sold as slaves, she wouldn’t have disturbed Xerxes?

What similarities can you draw between Haman’s actions and what you know about Satan in the rest of Scripture?

Exactly why did Haman stay behind when Xerxes left the room?

What did Haman do the moment the king left the room? When the king returned, what assumption did he make?

Read Esther 7:9 – Who stepped in with a plan?

We’ve seen this character before. Read Esther 1:10-12; who was he?

What was the king’s state of mind after Haman’s execution?

“The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment.” (2 Peter 2:9 HCSB)

Click here for printable version of Week 7

Be Blessed and be a Blessing,


Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you, He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him. Isaiah 30:18


  1. What is most interesting is the favor of Xerxes a king towards his Queen (even up to half I will give you). A significant statement because he treated her like his other half -- what was good enough for him was good enough for her. Therefore her words were weighty and extremely influential and powerful. even though Mordecai had been honored and saved in chapter 6 God's punishment was not going to be lenient. Evil may simmer in the hearts of man but acts of fear when done in a godless manner only result in further punishment. No indication of repentance for sins. Just fear of consequences. The impalement of Hamman was "like for like" -- the sin and punishment fit beautifully

  2. God says in His Word that He will repay evil for evil - Haman was definitely evil and he got his just reward. Enough though God is not mentioned in the entire Book of Esther, we can see Him at work throughout the entire book.


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