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Yesterday's blog I titled "Alone with The Father" - finding your quiet place - just like Jesus we need to find our secret place. It's my prayer that you found that special place and will commit to spending just a little time each day with The Father.

What amazed me yesterday was Pastor Mark's message was all about prayer! Isn't our God good, He wants this message to get out to ALL His children! At your convenience you can listen to or view Pastor Marks teaching at, he taught from 1 John 3:21 - Confidence to Pray...we have confidence before God; confidence to pray to God with expectation. Prayer gives us direct access to God, we can come before the throne of grace (Heb 4:16). 1 John 3:22 ...and receive from Him anything we ask because we obey Him and do what pleases Him.

The question: Why do we pray? I would love to get your thoughts and comments. Pastor Mark gave us several in his message. Prayer maintains our personal relationship with God The Father. Prayer also pleases God!

Many are familiar with "The Lord's Prayer", as you read and meditate on the words Jesus gave to His disciples (us) why not personalize it, re-write it and make it your own. Matthew 6:9-13 - NIV:

This, then, is how you should pray:
   Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.

Whatever God is asking you to do today just "Say Yes to God"!!! A simple act of obedience doing what God asks us to do! God's will is always best for us and because of that He will give us increased faith, guidance, provision and success!!

Have an awesome day!

#Amazed, #PalmsUp, #YestoGod,


  1. Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.—Colossians 4:2
    Dr. Moody Stuart, a great praying man of a past generation, once drew up a set of rules to guide him in his prayers. Among these rules is this one: "Pray till you pray."...
    The habit of breaking off our prayers before we have truly prayed is as common as it is unfortunate. Often the last 10 minutes may mean more to us than the first half hour, because we must spend a long time getting into the proper mood to pray effectively. We may need to struggle with our thoughts to draw them in from where they have been scattered through the multitude of distractions that result from the task of living in a disordered world....
    (From Tozar on Christian Leadership)

  2. Thanks for a great word Cheryl! In a world filled with distractions, its tough to tune it all out and tune in to the Spirit! Keep on girl, love the blog!!

  3. Awesome Nana, this is amazing. Keep em' coming!

  4. Loved your post, and it is so true with the Our Father Prayer. You are blessed and loved reading your insight. Keep Posting girl!

    1. Thank for stopping by the read my blog, so happy you enjoyed reading it.


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