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The Art of Saying “No”

"Just say 'yes' and 'no.' When you manipulate words to get your own way, you do wrong." (Matthew 5:37 MSG)

As you arrange your mind, your heart, and your schedule to accommodate your predetermined Best Yes, you’ll experience the satisfaction of enjoying the view instead of fearing the edge.

As you go about your days this week – Assignment 1:  Predetermine your Best Yes activity and set your schedule accordingly. Quickly and kindly turn down anything that could send you over the edge. Assignment 2: Exercise the power of the small no.

A small no pushes through the resistance of awkwardness and disappointment because it’s better to nip something early on. Early on, expectations and disappointments can be managed better with a small no. but the more we let things develop and progress, the harder the no becomes.  (The Best Yes, pages 126-127)

Too often, we live with an overwhelmed schedule and an underwhelmed soul because we’re constantly dancing on the edge of the cliff. How would you describe the pace of your life right now? Mark an X or draw a stick figure on the Grand Canyon to indicate your response.


Busy Enough = A reasonable Distance from the Edge

Too Busy = Approaching the Edge

Way Too Busy = Dancing on the Edge

Impossibly Busy = Over the Edge and Falling Fast


Every yes answer comes with a list of expectations. If I don't know what those expectations are, I can't possibly met them. So, it's crucial to identify the expectations before giving a yes answer.... I make a plan for what's realistic so I don't overextend myself. The Best Yes, pages 116-117
Give it your Best Yes Ladies!!!
The Best Yes SG, pages 102-123


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