One – Chapter One
Happy Week 1! This study was designed with you in mind to help you prepare for each week of study and help you plug in. Remember, this is YOUR study, so pick and choose what works for you
and go at you own pace.
I will be posting weekly reading assignments, usually on Mondays and a weekly summary towards the end of the week. I toying with the idea of doing Facebook live posts weekly as well.
So prepare your hearts with prayer as you open your Bibles or Bible app, grab a notebook or journal and something to write with. If you're like me, you might also want to grab a couple of highlighters.
Lastly, let this suggested study plan
be your guide! I want to make this study
fit your crazy life and schedule. Do what works for you and when, & don’t
worry about the rest. Here we go...
Chapter One
Chapter 1 sets the scene in the Persian court. The king was offended
when his wife Vashti refused to appear before him when he ordered her to do so.
There was a great feast taking place at the time, and they were all merry with
wine (Esther 1:10 -11).
When the queen didn’t appear, the king, egged on by his
advisers, removed her as his queen. They then advised him to seek out a new
queen by searching for the most beautiful virgins in the land. Then the king
would select one to become his queen.
Going Deeper Psalm 32:7, Proverbs 27:15-16
What was the timing and political climate of the story of
In Esther 1, who attended Xerxes’ banquet?
What did Memucan advise the king to do?
Don’t forget to look for something of yourself within the pages
of Esther…
Read verse 4 and fill in these blanks: “He displayed the vast
_______ of his __________ and the __________ and __________ of his greatness(majesty).”
Write Psalm 96:4-6 on an index card or your journal in your own
What was Vashti doing in Esther 1:9?
From your own independent perspective, list three possible reasons
why Vashti might have refused King Xerxes’ order.
Proverbs 31:4-5 offers advice to those in positions of power.
What is it?
Click here for a printable version of Week 1.
Love & blessings,
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