Three – Chapter Three
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 introduces us to Haman, the villain in the story, who
became second in command in the empire. He was an arrogant man, and he demanded
that everyone bow down to him. Everyone did, except Mordecai (verse 2). This so
incensed Haman that he succeeded in getting the king to issue an edict that all
the Jews in the land should be destroyed (vv. 8-15). God never takes His eyes
off of us or off the clock ticking over us.
Going Deeper Psalm 68:20, Proverbs 16:33 & 8:7-8, Ephesians 4:26-27
Mordecai did not slander, but he also did not knee. How do we
know Mordecai continued his stance (v. 4)?
According to verse 5, what overriding emotion did Haman
experience when Mordecai refused to bow?
Haman’s shrewd rage turned into careful calculation. How did
Haman choose a day for Jewish destruction?
Haman was obviously adept at psychological warfare. In what ways
did he apply psychological tactics to get what he wanted from King Xerxes?
How does John 8:44 offer all the permission we could need to
identify the Devil as Haman’s “father”?
Have you ever felt compelled to react more dramatically to a
situation because certain people were watching?…Let’s be real!!!
Read and pray Deuteronomy 33:25 – may God be allowed to work
steadfastness of mind in you that “the bolts of your gates will be iron and
bronze, and your strength be equal to your days!”
What is the title for God that appears in Daniel 7:9-10?
Write your own paraphrase of Hebrews 4:13
The revelation of a person’s destiny always demands a revelation
of the person. Consider the wording, “if you remain silent at this time.” The
Hebrew word translated silent in this
verse can also be translated conceal.
Given the power of Haman's position and the irrevocability of Persian law, the doom of the Jews seems sealed. Or is it? Stick around and find out.
Click here for printable version of Week 3
Click here for printable version of Week 3
Be Blessed and be a Blessing,
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