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31 Days - Day 3

The "real" Day 3

OK if you've visited my blog before - my day counting was off; so I edited my other posts. This is new for me this year - so I ask for "grace." Each day as its own set of challenges but we must keep our focus on what's most important - God and His plans for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11

Seek Him Daily through His word; if we diligently seek Him, we will find Him. Jeremiah 29:13

Dream Training

You were created by God for His glory and purpose.   He could have placed you at any moment in history but He chose for you to live today.   Why? Because today is the best time in the existence of the world for you to make a difference.   I want you to think about these questions…you are nearing the end of your life and are answering these questions:  

Are you willing to let God disturb you with dreams so big that you don’t know how they will be accomplished?   His vision for your life is bigger and better than you had the courage to even hope for.   Our God is good.  Where there is no vision the people perish Proverbs 29:18. 

Psalms 37:4 says if we delight ourselves in the Lord he shall give us the desires of our hearts.  Dreams are good.  They give us energy.  They make us enthusiastic.  Everyone ought to have a dream.  But what if you are not sure you have a dream you want to pursue.  Many people were not encouraged to dream.  Some have lost hope and set their dreams aside.   Maybe you had people in your life that resented you moving up or do  something significant with your life.  Or maybe they were trying to protect you from pain and disappointment.  Either way if you’ve been discouraged from dreaming take heart.  It is never too late to start dreaming and pursuing your dreams. 

How prepared are you to reach your dream?  

Ownership question: Is my dream really my dream?  I would be the one most pleased if I accomplished my dream (b) I have publicly shared my dream with other people, including those I love (c) my dream has been challenged by others and I still embrace it

Clarity question:     Do I clearly see my dream (a) I can explain the main gist of my dream in a single sentence (b) I can answer any question about the what (if not the how) of my dream (c) I have written a clear description of my dream that includes its main features or objectives

Reality question:  Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream (a) I know what my greatest talents are and my dream relies heavily on them (b) My current habits and daily practices strongly contribute to the potential success of my dream (c) my dream is likely to come true even if I am unlucky, if important people ignore or oppose me, or if I encounter serious obstacles.

Passion question:  Does my dream compel me to follow it?  (a) I can think of nothing I would rather do more than see my dream fulfilled (b) I think about my dream everyday and often wake up or fall asleep thinking about it (c) this dream has been consistently important to me for at least a year

Pathway question:  Do I have a strategy to reach my dream? (a) I have a written plan for how I intend to accomplish my dream (b) I have shared my dream with 3 people I respect to get their feedback (c) I have made significant changes to my priorities and work habits to put my plan into action

People question:   Have I included the people I need to realize my dream? (a) I have surrounded myself with people who inspire me and who are honest with me about my strengths and weaknesses (b) I have recruited positive people to help me accomplish my dream (c) I have transferred the vision for my dream to others and they share ownership for it.

Cost question:  Am I willing to pay the price for my dream (a) I can recount specific costs I have already paid toward achieving my dream (b) I have already considered what I am willing to trace to achieve my dream (c) I will not be compromising my values, ruining my health, or damaging my family to pursue my dream.  

Tenacity question:   Am I moving closer to my dream? I can identify obstacles I have already overcome in the pursuit of my dream. (b) I do something everyday even if its very small to move closer to my dream (c) I am willing to do extraordinary difficult things to grow and change so that I can accomplish my dream

Fulfillment question:  Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?  (a) Am I willing to work for years or even decades to achieve my dream because it is important to me (b) I enjoy the pursuit of my dream so much that even if I fail I will consider my life to have been well spent

The significance question:  Does my dream benefit others?  (a) I can name specific people other than myself who will benefit if my dream is realized (b) I am working to build a team of like minded people to accomplish my dream (c) What I’m doing to achieve my dream will matter in five, twenty or one hundred years.
You can find other 31 Day Bloggers here at the nester


  1. I'm going to reread this and dream, dream, dream!!!!! I love lists and goal setting.

  2. Thank you Alecia, it was so good seeing you today!


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