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Showing posts from July, 2014

God's Grace, Part 2

Worry - The Paralysis of Faith Worry paralyzes active faith. When you worry, you assume responsibility for things you were never intended to handle. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus states "Do not worry" even about the basic essentials of life. Worry divides our mind between useful and hurtful thinking. Worrying does not change anything (v. 27) except to draw your focus away from God and His faithfulness and righteousness to concerns about the things of life; such as possessions and material goods (v.31). Worry is a choking, harmful emotion that saps your energy and elevates human strength and ingenuity above God's strength and His purposeful plan. Sources of worry include change, lack of understanding, and lack of control over your life. Worry opens the door to worldliness - preoccupation with the things of this life. Worry is the opposite of faith, suggesting that God cannot be trusted to take care of you or to provide what you need (Phil. 4:19). By worrying, you are act...


Prayer calls for the appropriate action as well as a proper attitude. In Colossians 4:2, Paul admonishes us to “continue earnestly in prayer and pray with thankful heart.” Only through prayer can we as Christ-Followers keep alert to all trials and opportunities. Things happen and lives are forever changed when we unite (get in agreement, in one accord) in prayer. Let’s turn our world right-side-up with prayer!

God’s Grace

Why Worry? Worry is defined as – to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; to torment with cares,anxieties; uneasiness.  Worry has the connotation of dividing, separating, and distracting. Don’t get consumed by the worries of tomorrow. Luke 12:22 … do not worry  about your life. Matthew 6:34 – Do not worry about tomorrow. We cannot worry and trust God at the same time because worry destroys the our relationship with Jesus. Seek first the Kingdom of God. Let’s put our trust in God and His faithfulness. God’s grace is sufficient!

God Will Hear Our Prayers

I read this article recently, it's too good not to share! Though we’re imperfect, God will hear our prayers Question : How good do you have to be before God will answer your prayers? I know I’m not perfect; I have a lot of problems and know I need God’s help. But I don’t pray about my problems because I don’t think God will hear me. Answer : If you were out in the ocean and your boat began to sink, would your cry for help even if you weren’t sure anyone could hear you? Yes, of course you would. And that’s what God wants us to do! He knows all about us. He knows what we’ve done wrong and He knows the problems and worries that keep us awake at night. And yet He doesn’t wait until we’re perfect before He’ll listen to us and hear our cries for help. One of the greatest sins we will ever commit is the sin of refusing to turn to Him in our times of need. God’s Word is clear: "Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Palm 124:8) Does this ...