Have you ever wondered if being wise is even possible for you? I know I have. And as we learned in the video, it's not enough just to acquire wisdom. Instead, we have to choose to apply wisdom to our daily life. As Lysa TerKeurst writes, we acquire wisdom where wisdom gathers, not where wisdom scatters. We have to practice wisdom in our everyday lives. We are reading chapters 7-9 this week. If you're a little behind, skip ahead and read chapter 9 and it will be YOUR BEST YES! I know I like immediate answers. I prefer to know an outcome … like yesterday. It goes against every instinct in my being to wait, pray, seek and prepare. Wisdom puts in the preparation time. In order to determine our Best Yes, we must have wisdom and wisdom takes work. So, you may be asking, how do we do this? I hear you but how is this even possible? Ask for wisdom. The Bible tells us if we lack wisdom then to ask for it. Ask for it, girlfriends! Side note: God doesn't usually ...