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Showing posts from February, 2015

Practice Wisdom

    Have you ever wondered if being wise is even possible for you? I know I have. And as we learned in the video, it's not enough just to acquire wisdom. Instead, we have to choose to apply wisdom to our daily life. As Lysa TerKeurst writes, we acquire wisdom where wisdom gathers, not where wisdom scatters. We have to practice wisdom in our everyday lives. We are reading chapters 7-9 this week. If you're a little behind, skip ahead and read chapter 9 and it will be YOUR BEST YES! I know I like immediate answers. I prefer to know an outcome … like yesterday.  It goes against every instinct in my being to wait, pray, seek and prepare. Wisdom puts in the preparation time. In order to determine our Best Yes, we must have wisdom and wisdom takes work. So, you may be asking, how do we do this? I hear you but how is this even possible? Ask for wisdom. The Bible tells us if we lack wisdom then to ask for it. Ask for it, girlfriends! Side note: God doesn't usually ...

The Best Yes

This week we're reading Chapters 7-9. Thank you to everyone who showed up to last night's Facebook Party! I am so humbled to see everyone searching the truth of God's Word. It's so much fun hanging out with you ladies on Thursday nights! We are officially half-way through our study. Some of you saw this post of Proverbs 7:4 already on Facebook…     Our verse this week - " Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life! '" Proverbs 19:20 (NLT)   Wisdom gathers when you open the Word of God.     Wisdom scatters when you don't open the Word of God. So let's make our days count and make our decisions count. HOW DO WE DO THIS?   "Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things." – Colossians 3:1-2  Will you be a wisdom-gatherer with me? I am on the edge of my seat sweet friends. Journa...

This learning to live my Best Yes is so powerful.

This week we have been digging into Chapters 4-6 for the week. (I know some of you have because of the awesome comments on the Facebook post. But if you haven't, dig in, girls ! You do NOT want to miss this. The words in these chapters have marched right up next to me and parked in my personal space. Anybody know what I mean? Chapter 4, Lysa says, " Life has such a habit of stripping the feelings of power and significance right out of our scope with its constant daily demands ." And that is so true, isn't it? But then she says something so powerful, life-changing, really . Did you catch it? "That daily stuff – those responsibilities that seem more like distractions – those things we want to rush and just get through to get on with the better and bigger assignments of life – those things that are unnoticed places of service? They are the very experiences from which we unlock the riches of wisdom." In Chapter 5, we continue reading about the ...


Collected practical wisdom for everyday guidance Did you know that it was Benjamin Franklin who coined the phrase, "A penny saved is a penny earned?" Like most, I've heard that said all my life. Every culture has its wisdom. The Book of Proverbs is linked with King Solomon as a composer of some sayings and a compiler of the book itself. Proverbs is a book of practical wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to live life well and make good decisions. This is a gift from God; it is not something you can gain or own. You cannot earn wisdom in the school of hard knocks or on the streets or by education or age. Wisdom begins with knowing who God is and the responding to Him in worship and adoration (Proverbs 1:7). Wisdom is following God's instruction and doing what is right. Foolishness is rejecting God's teaching and doing what is wrong. Rather than allowing us to decide for ourselves, God decides what is right and wrong; and out of grace, He has revealed it to His pe...

The Best Yes!

T his week we are reading Chapters 1-3 of The Best Yes .  Go ahead and get started on that if you haven't already, and we'll be discussing that content during this week. As you read, pay close attention any time Lysa uses God's Word , or Bible verses, in her writing. When you see a verse, stop. Read it again. Better yet, get your Bible out and look up that verse.  Possibly highlight it or write it in a notebook that is used for The Best Yes study notes. Ask God what He wants you to take away from His Word. I believe the Bible is special. And I just know that God wants us to pay close attention to it and use it in our daily lives. The Best Yes is such a great book with a great message, but I know for a fact that Lysa doesn't want us to read her words and skim over God's. Both will help us in making our Best Yes decisions in life! If you don't have your Bible with you, download the free YouVersion  app to your phone.  I LOVE this because I have...

Help Me Holy Spirit!!!

It's a glorious Friday Morning!   James 1:19 - My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, These three things (quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger) apply to our personal relationship with others and our relationship with God. Listen more & speak less. Listening means being others-centered. Listening means I value you. Build each other up (Ephesians 4:29) Listening is difficult when we're prideful, selfish, angry. We think our ideas are more important than others. Listening + being teachable = learning - I never learned anything while I was speaking. Meditate on God's Word and let it speak to you...Have a glorious day!   Posted with Blogsy


          Recently I came across an article by David Jeremiah, in it was the acronym SOAR. I wrote it down and memorized it. It's one of those gems you want to tuck away and when you need it's there.     S  – Seek; seek God first.     O – Obey; obey His Word     A – Ask; ask God for wisdom and direction     R – Rest; rest in His promises   Proverbs 2:2, 10-11 … directing your heart and mind to understanding [applying all your powers to the quest for it]; f or skillful and godly...Wisdom shall enter into your heart, and knowledge shall be pleasant to you. Discretion shall watch over you, understanding shall keep you…   Here’s the link to the time assessment tool Lysa mentions in Chapter 3 - The decisions we make dictate the schedules we keep. The schedules we keep determine the lives we l...

Online Bible Study

Welcome to The Best Yes Online Bible Study. I am so happy and thankful for each and every one of you who decided to join us in this adventure. We will be using “The Best Yes” book by Lysa TerKeurst for our online study; the study guide is not required. It is available at the CCMV Watermark Bookstore. Our primary communication tools are Facebook and email; from time to time I post things here on my blog to make it easier for the Facebook only girls. Everyone is encouraged to sign up on the CCMV Website. Our God’s Girls page is a closed group by invitation only so be sure and send me a “friend” request!!! Here’s how to connect with me on Facebook – . We’ll have our first live session on Thursday, Feb 5 th at 8pm – can’t wait to connect!   Week 1                     Introductions         ...