Nobody like you “ You are the Author, the Creator of it all. You stand alone.” One of the most important facets in our relationship with Jesus is to give Him praise. It’s part of why in many churches around the world we spend at least a portion of the service singing Jesus’ praises through music. Sometimes those praises speak to the goodness of God the father, or Jesus our savior. We praise Holy Spirit for being on our side, or God for his unstoppable might. In the bridge of “Nobody Like You” we give praise to Jesus by recognizing that He is set apart in perfection. And while we recognize that there are indeed kings and rulers here on Earth, NONE of them are King above Jesus Christ. He is king above all. In the same way, there are beautifully built thrones inside of amazing structures all around the world, but all of them are lower than the throne Jesus sits upon. As the author of our salvation and One with God, Jesus’ name is higher than any other name. The thing...