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Showing posts from September, 2021

Humility and Boldness

  Read Ephesians 3:1-13 No one can stand against the evidence of a changed life. A person’s living testimony of God’s deliverance and transformation cannot be dismissed. This is why our “But God” stories are so important. It’s His light shining within us that draws others to him. Pray that God would give you boldness to proclaim His Word. After describing his role as a steward of God’s grace, Paul emphasizes how unworthy he is of that calling claim to be the “least of all the saints” (3:8). Elsewhere he calls himself “the least of the apostles, not worthy to be called and apostle” (1 Cor 15:9) and the foremost sinner (1 Tim 1:15). Why would Paul emphasize his unworthiness? What does God’s work through someone like Paul communicate about Christ’s redeeming power?  Have you ever felt like God could use you to accomplish His purposes? Some of the most unlikely characters in the Bible were used in God’s plan (Exodus 4; Joshua 2; Ruth 1-4). Identify other verses or stories th...