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Showing posts from October, 2021

Live as You Were Called

  1 Corinthians 7:17 Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. (NIV) “let each person lead the life . . . God has called him.” The following verses make clear that the phrase “God has called him” is not a reference to a social position but to conversion itself. In vv. 17–24 set forth a principle that gives coherence to the whole chapter: becoming a believer does not require a change in status, whether marital, ethnic, or social. This verse has sometimes been misused as evidence that Christians should not attempt to improve their social or economic standing. On the contrary, Paul encourages slaves to obtain their freedom if the opportunity arises (v. 21). Only, as the Lord hath distributed to each man, as God hath called each, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all the churches. (NKJV) So here is my instruction to all...