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Gomer - 12 Women of the Bible

Week 2
Hey, OBSers! Print this, post it to your fridge or tuck it in your study book. This is your
SUGGESTED guide for the week to help you keep up in the Bible study!

What We’re Reading This Week...Gomer (pp. 73-84 in study guide)

Gomer: Learning to Accept Unconditional Love.  We will learn how the relationship between Hosea and Gomer parallels our relationship with God.

Her Character:  Though, a married woman, she carried on numerous love affairs, crediting her lovers for the gifts her husband had given her.

Key Scriptures:  Hosea 1 – 3

Memory Verse
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

#12Women-CCMV, #12Women, #OBS – When you post on social media about the study, use these hashtags! If you want to see what other OBSers are saying, search these tags to connect!

Daily Blog Posts, Bible Study & Discussion
● Monday, Wednesday and Friday – New study email/blog posts, so check your email or head to the Facebook page to join in the conversation!

● Wednesday – Video teaching from StudyGateway, the link will be emailed to you

Thursday, 2/11
● Bible Study LIVE! 8 p.m. ET ~ One hour of LIVE Bible Study on Facebook. Click here to join the fun! -

Let’s Chat:

Observe — Our theme this week is “God never stops loving us. He never stops pursuing us. He never stops wanting a relationship with us…This is good news.” What thoughts come to mind when you read this statement?

Bible — This week’s verse is Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Read Jeremiah 29:11-13.

In your notebook or journal, complete the following:

This week’s verse is Jeremiah 29:11. One of the ways we can study a verse is by looking up cross-references of the verse. Click here to head to and spend some time reading other verses related to this verse! The verses that are cross-referenced are in the right side-bar, below “context.” What are some verses you found?
In your journal or notebook, write down the other verses you find.

Stretch — Fill in the blank: This week I will take my relationship with God beyond Sunday morning by _______. #OBS #12Women!

Gomer’s Life and Times

Gomer’s husband Hosea appeared on the scene as the last of the prophets who spoke the “Word of the Lord” (Hosea 1:1) to the doomed northern kingdom. Before long, the Assyrians would conquer the capital of Samaria and take thousands of Israelites captive. When the book of Hosea begins with “the Word of the Lord,” it asserts Hosea’s authority as a prophet, that God has spoken to him and that he must relay the message to the people.

The Israelites in Palestine had the law God had given to Moses and the people at Sinai. This consisted of the Ten Commandments as well as the other rules for living in the books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy). However, those laws didn’t cover many of life’s situations and decisions. God instituted the office of the prophet for the many times when a specific revelation of God was needed for the people to know what they should do next.

We don’t always know how prophets received their messages from God. At times, visions and dreams gave the message. Ezekiel and Daniel both record visions that contained a definite message from God. Other times, as in Hosea, the prophets simply declared that their words were from the Lord. The emphasis of God’s prophets was never on the method of receiving His Word – whether mysterious or obvious – but on the message itself and on the people’s need to follow. God made it very clear that if the people would only listen and obediently follow the words of the prophets, He would give them all they need to face an unknown future.

Our Life and Times

Just as God has provided for His people in the Promised Land, He has provided for us. He may not miraculously real the path or supernaturally tell us His will, as He did with the Israelites, He has revealed Himself and His plans for us through the Bible, and His messengers today underscore and explain what Scripture tells us. We can be assured that God will go with us, just as He went with the Israelites, holding our hands as we face whatever our futures hold.

Everyone who participates in today’s “Let’s Chat” by sharing about it in the comment section will be entered to win a FREE copy of Beth Moore’s “The Promise of Security.”

Here’s to a GREAT, over-the-top-amazing second week of Bible study!! #OBS #12Women!



  1. This week I will take my relationship with God beyond Sunday morning by praying and communicating more with Him.

    It has come to my mind on several occasions, the question of why God does not supernaturally tell us His will as He did with the Israelites. Your passage assured me indeed He has revealed himself and His is all written in His book. If we want to know...we have to pray and read.

  2. If we seek Him - He will be found...the only way we can do this is to spend time with Him. The more we read the more we are assured He is at work in our lives. He wants that close intimate relationship us - it's a daily walk!

  3. God is with us at all times, holding our hands and talking to us. I experienced this Monday night when He spoke to me about something I was considering. I saw pictures of the immediate consequences and future changes. That could only have been God.


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